Forms are important for a website, which helps the administrator to keep in touch with visitor. Every website needs forms, but it depends the nature of website. In modern development its common to use frameworks to save time and here is a best framework for forms called “Just Forms” which will save the time of a webdeveloper for creating forms.
You can use any form from the pack (100+ fully functional forms) or you can create your own form. All forms and enhancements can be used without any JavaScript, CSS or HTML special knowledge.
- HTML5 and CSS3
- Highly Customized
- JavaScript Extension
- jQuery Widgets
- Multi Step Forms
- Pop Up Forms
- Modal Forms
- Captcha
- Data Validation
- Font Awesome
- Grid System
HTML/CSS Enhancements
- 12 column grid (fully responsive)
- Icons and labels
- Social icons and buttons
- Multiple form inputs
- File inputs
- Checkboxes and radios
- Toggle switches
- Ratings and tooltips
- Widget addons and widget buttons
- 10 color schemes
- Email template
- Success state
- Info state
- Warning state
- Error state
- Disabled state